Last modified: 01. July 2024


AQUAEXCEL3.0 builds on the previous AQUAEXCEL(FP7) and AQUAEXCEL2020 (H2020) projects and aims to further ensure research is aligned with industry needs, boost the EU aquaculture sector by expanding the Transnational Access programme, develop new tools to keep pace with rapid scientific development, and add value to existing tools and resources to benefit all users.
•    European Union Horizon 2020
•    Type of Action: Research and Innovation Action
•    Duration: November 2020 – October 2025
•    Coordinator: INRAE
•    Consortium: 22 Partners in 13 countries
•    Total Budget: €9.9 million

The aquaculture sector, a global powerhouse, currently provides over half of the seafood for human consumption worldwide. This staggering statistic underscores the importance of the AQUAEXCEL3.0 project in ensuring the sector's sustainable growth and development.
Despite being the fastest-growing animal production sector, the EU's aquaculture production is still lagging, with a high dependency on imported fish. This, coupled with shifting consumer preferences, growing welfare concerns, new standards, and climate change, poses significant challenges. The AQUAEXCEL3.0 project, with its focus on efficient and responsible production of high-value fish products, is a crucial step towards the sector's sustainable growth and the EU's global leadership in aquaculture research and development.
AQUAEXCEL3.0 is not just a project, it's a collaborative effort. It aims to further boost the EU aquaculture sector by expanding the Transnational Access programme, inviting more external research teams to collaborate with its high-quality facilities. The project also offers free training courses on the latest topics, ensuring that research is always aligned with industry needs. Your participation is crucial to our success.
AQUAEXCEL3.0, building on the successful AQUAEXCEL(FP7) and AQUAEXCEL2020 (H2020) projects, remains steadfast in its commitment to sustainable aquaculture. It aims to develop new tools to keep pace with rapid scientific development and add value to existing tools and resources. The project's focus on fish, shellfish, and macroalgae research is a testament to its dedication to pushing towards lower trophic level aquaculture. This strategic approach ensures the long-term viability and success of the project, providing stakeholders with a sense of confidence in its outcomes.
As a partner, MATE-AKI provides its infrastructure to reach the project's goal.

Project’s website »

Application is open to join the project! If you are interested, CLICK HERE »

Research Infrastructures – AquaExcel3.0  »