Emese Bozánné Békefi - Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety
Emese Bozánné Békefi, PhD.
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Emese Bozánné Békefi
Last modified: 21. August 2023
Deputy head of Research Centre, Senior research fellow |
E-mail: | Bozanne.Bekefi.Emese@uni-mate.hu |
Considering the importance of increasing the Hungarian fish consumption, one of my main research fields is analysis of the market surveys, sectoral analyses, and strategic papers. Based on synthesis of papers, I prepare a SWOT analysis of the Hungarian fish farming sector, focusing on the factors influencing domestic fish consumption and fish consumption habits, given that consumer demand has an impact on fish production along the value chain. My other main research fields are the analysis and ranking of the value judgment of pond fish farmers related to multifunctional farming, using the analytical hierarchy method (AHP). Using the AHP method, I analyze the opinions of experienced farmers and examine the importance of existing and potential functions of pond farms and their role in the future development of pond fish farms.