Janka Nagyné Bíró, PhD.

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Janka Nagyné Bíró, PhD.

Last modified: 11. September 2023

Senior research fellow    

Email: nagyne.biro.janka@uni-mate.hu

Janka Biró’s main research field is fish nutrition, including the determination of macro- and micronutrient requirements for different fish species and life stages. She also investigates the possible utilization of alternative ingredients in aquafeeds, such as algae, different insect meals, DDGS, plant protein and oil sources etc. Influences of nutrition on meat quality and chemical composition of fish fillet - especially in regard with its fatty acid profile - is also a research area of high priority for her. Previously she carried out research on the topic of functional food production, while currently investigates the possible utilization of a novel feed additive, the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in aquafeeds.

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