Priya Sharma - Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety
Priya Sharma
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Priya Sharma
Last modified: 03. May 2024
Assistant research fellow
Ms Priya Sharma is an MSCA Early-Stage Researcher working on the Horizon 2020 EATFISH project. Her role is to develop a medium complexity dynamic simulation model for pond aquaculture to capture the dynamic changes in these complex systems and to assess the associated ecosystem services (ES) considering different pond management scenarios. Her research interests include the development of decision support tools, ecosystem service valuation, and understanding complex social-ecological interactions. In future work, she plans to learn how to combine ecological and economic models with quantitative and qualitative modeling techniques, and to use these techniques to create a multi-objective assessment feedback loop. This techno-ecosystem assessment of fishponds can provide important data on how best to sustainably manage the flow of ecosystem services from aquaculture practices to communities and society, and promote decision-making that optimizes their value.
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